Land Scaping Materials
Seven Springs Stone offers more than just stone, we have tools to complete your entire landscaping project.
Mushroom Compost
Mushroom Compost is the residual compost generated by the mushroom production industry. It's an excellent source of humus and general nutrients and is often used to enrich spent soil. Mushroom compost is the top choice of gardeners and landscapers due to its water retention and nutritional qualities.
We supply mushroom compost in any size quantity your project requires.

We carry natural, undyed mulch and dyed mulch in brown or black throughout the season. Mulch is perfect for moisture retention, weed suppression, soil coolant, or simply for aesthetic value. Over time, mulch decomposes, adding to the fertility of the soil. Available by the dump truck load, pick up truck load, or cubic yard to fit your needs.
(call to check color availability)
Top Soil
Screened top soil is sifted soil ideal for lawns, gardens, and flower beds. It's easy to work by hand since the clumps have been sifted out. It offers the most efficient way for plants to absorb nutrients and water; which is especially important for newly seeded areas or freshly planted gardens. Our top soil is locally sourced and native to the region.

Pine Straw
Pine straw rolls are one of the most widely used mulch materials. Its benefit-to-cost ratio and universal availability make it a favorite among landscapers. It's easy to apply and can last for years. Pine straw can hold moisture in the soil, prevent erosion and compaction, and reduces weed growth. Homeowners and business owners use pine straw to mulch around shrubs and areas where erosion can be a problem. Its decorative value matches its utility value and it can be easily applied at any desired depth.